Saturday, June 27, 2015


This is one I took last fall, but I felt that it worked for the assignment!


  1. The hedgehog pictures are really neat. So isn't the one with the guy drinking. You did a great job on these.

  2. I like your use of framing...the trees caught a lot of back light on the glass, I wonder if you could edit that out? And the heggie shots are too cute!! He looks like a sweetie. On the tube shot I wish the angle was a lil lower to get a more direct shot down the tube then above it...but I love it

  3. Great framing shots!!! The first one really captured my attention! I really liked how you used an actual frame with your subject! Then your hedgehog in his little igloo came out great. It must have been hard with the lighting but you did a great job.

  4. Nice work on these. The last one is a cute one.

    The first shot is an excellent example of a framing shot, but it was taken last year, as you noted.... The window one was taken in the winter....What is more important for you right now is practice, so go out and take more photos! :)
